Weirdly, I've been ahead on my reading goal all school year, and this week I've fallen behind. I've been reading 2 chapters a day, but not listening to my audio books, so that put me behind.
Yesterday I did something I NEVER do. I went back to bed! I was up early, 5:45 or so, went back to bed about 7, slept until 9, and stayed in bed until 10! It was an overcast morning, so I didn't feel too bad about it. And I had nothing on my to-do list but a wedding.
This week's list is pretty hefty, because Fred goes on vacation next week and I know we'll be running around.
- Write
- Day with Mom
- winery trip with friends
- clean middle room
- Call for doctor appts
- clean windows
- Finish cleaning closet
- work in yard
- make slipcover for my chair
- take out ads
- Take wedding planner online course for research
- sew
- play guitar
- Go see X-Men?